Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 17, 2010

As you have probably noticed, I have slowed down a bit on the blog page updates. After much thought I have decided to continue blogging/posting photos on Facebook vs. Carmen's blog page. Tough decision, but went w/ what I thought was more manageable (in terms of time). It's so much easier, and I can post from my phone. So - if I do not have you as a friend &/or you are not on Facebook, just let me know & I can email you a picture upon request. ;)

The pics below are from when we went to Deanna Rose Farmstead a few weeks ago. She fed the goats (pics below) - which was the BEST $1 we ever spent. So funny.

Kinda makes me sad, but I think I will be better about updates through Facebook! Thanks for following us on blogspot for the last two years! :)