Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20, 2010

Our first family vacation. We left for Phoenix on Thursday. Carmen flew like a pro - even had her own seat for 1/4 of the flights (we flew to Denver then had a 2.5 hour layover, then on to Phoenix). Here are most of the pictures from our trip.
She put the headphones on - except she put the plug in end to her ear.

This little bear back pack came in handy. Allowed her to run but not get too far away from us.

Here we are on the shuttle bus to go get our rental car.

We stayed two nights at John & Sonya's - Brian's best friend from childhood & also friends in college. John & Sonya have a baby - Isabella - and a teen - Tyler. This is the day that she woke up at 4:45 a.m. - she was on Kansas time all day. She had lunch at 9:30 a.m. We stretched her out in the evening so the next day she woke up at 6 a.m.

Carmen had a lot of fun w/ Bella, it was cute to see how she was with a baby. Don't take that comment for anything more than it is. :)

John & Sonya also have two dogs - here is Carmen & Dozer. Dozer was the perfect name for that dog! :) He and Carmen were eye level. Carmen loved the dogs - except when Dozer would circle her.

Kiki & Carmen

Daddy & Carmen - he was trying to get her to lay on him like she used to do. Silly Daddy.

Lots of time spent playing w/ the baby gate - she & Dozer in & out in & out.

I asked Carmen if she wanted to read a book to Bella. She was excited about that. Apparently she thought that meant she needed to lay by Bella. She was trying to get into the bouncy seat & lay down beside Bella.

On Saturday, we went to see Paul, Elin & Aubree (my old boss/adopted family from California Casualty). We had not seen Paul & Elin since our reception (6 years ago!) They took us to the playground in their subdivision, which had fountains. Elin, Carmen & I rode in the golf cart to the playground.

Carmen sat & watched the kids run through the fountains for a long time.

Until...another Dad invited her to go with him. Off she went through the fountain - she looked pretty excited.

She did go through once by herself. When she got in the middle, she just stood there then she got a little freaked out. Mom to the rescue!

Back at Paul & Elin's we let her clothes dry out & C just ran around in her diaper (& bib for a while after lunch). She had a good time...her clothes were dry in less than 10 minutes. Love that Arizona heat!

Elin, me, Aubree & C.

We tried to get her to nap while we were there - this is as close as it got. Snuggling with Paul while watching Veggie Tales. Paul got sleepy, but not Carmen!

Saturday afternoon we headed to Daphne, Dave & Jackson's. Jackson is 5 and was ready & waiting for Carmen. He had gotten out his toys from when he was "2" for her to play with. He was great with her - Carmen hugged him a lot.
Jackson & Carmen drinking smoothies. I love this picture!
Daphne & Carmen playing & giggling.

Playing - "outside" one of Carmen's newest & most favorite words.

"Hot" - she says - the slide is "hot!"

Carmen brought a little booklet to me (Jackson's) and said "I wanna draw" very clearly. So here she is with Jackson drawing.

Playing at the park - fun times in the sand. We found sand in every roll she has.

I absolutely love this picture.

Going down the big slide - she loved it!
Sleepy time almost...
Daphne & Carmen had been giggling in the car - of course as soon as I turn on the camera the giggles are gone!

After her nap we went outside to play at the pool. We had fun - and she was excited to be in the pool. It was pretty cold so she just got in to her bottom.

Denver airport...this is what happens when Mommy makes you take a nap. Funny thing. She was completely asleep. Brian walked up with his lunch (that you could smell & hear the bag rattle). She sat straight up & started talking. We laughed - even the lady that worked at the airport sitting beside us waiting for another passenger started cracking up.

The weekend before we left...wanted to show off these cute pics.

After she helped the neighbor, Ron, wash his car & get soakin' wet, she helped Daddy mulch the flower bed.