Friday, July 23, 2010

July 23, 2010

Carmen & Sunny - snacks at the pool. They share snacks..and sometimes feed each other. It's too cute!

Haley & Carmen

Funny faces

Austin & Carmen relaxing

Carmen with Mama, Papa, Anna & Alaina...the girl was tired & ready to go home!

Here are some fun new videos - I was just excited they downloaded!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11, 2010

Wow I'm really behind on a blog update! I am waiting on one last video to upload...let's hope it does. I've had two error out.....there's a waste of an hour.

Carmen picked out her own shoes this morning for our walk. She almost wears a size 6 and the boots were a 4. I cannot imagine they were very comfortable but she wouldn't let me take them off. Funny stuff.

Taking care of her monkey...hopefully the video will download. She rocked the monkey, then was giving the monkey some of her you think she may need a baby & bottle for her 2nd birthday!?!? :)

22 month photos. This is her new thing - putting the pillows in the middle of the floor and falling into them. Minutes & minutes of fun.

Our friend Kerry invited us to come see puppies. She had 9, and only 4 were left when we went. They sure were cute! Carmen was not as into them as I thought she might be...but she did enjoy feeding one of them. And getting a little puppy kiss.

4th of July

Sorry - only one video posted. 2 hours, 40 minutes later...and I come out with only one. How annoying!