Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31, 2010

Carmen is doing great. More & more words sneak into the vocabulary all the time. Today - "gum". She saw me chewing & wanted a bite, I had to try to explain that it was not food but gum. We had a great weekend and spent lots of good family time together.

Sunday we played outside a lot after church/nap. Brian went & picked up a little "seal" sprinkler for Carmen (which she calls it seal). She had fun. She also helped me wash my car. I love this first picture - even though her eyes are closed it is still so funny. She was saying "cheese".

I think she took water in the nose on this one...

Carmen & I - a quick pic before church.

Here you can see one of her boo-boos (wrist) from where she fell last weekend. Her knees from that same fall are all healed up - in fact the 2 falls after that have healed up too! The body is an amazing thing! Now why is it so hard to get teeth in?

Saturday...Hot Air Balloon Launch in Gardner.
We rode our bikes to the park where the launch was. I didn't know what to expect. It was a cool morning and we weren't prepared for that!

One morning when I went in to get her - this is the face she was making. Probably because it was like 5:30 a.m.!!! :)

I think Carmen is working on her eye teeth. She woke up about midnight last night, the second I laid her down to change her diaper she found something to chew on. Gave her some ibuprofen but it took a while to kick in enough to get her to relax and go back to sleep. I tried laying with her but she couldn't handle it - wanted to talk & get up. Her sleeping pattern has changed over the last 10-14 days so we'll see what this week brings. I thought may be she was pushing back her bed time or getting ready to ditch a nap (still does 2/day) but after the last two nights of being put to bed at 6:30 p.m. - I have second guessed that theory. There are times when I cannot get her bathed & dressed quick enough....the fun is over and it's ready to end the day.
Hopefully I didn't get these videos backwards. It takes 20-30 minutes to download one video (I do a lot of multi tasking through blog page updates) so I sometimes forget which one I picked. Then there are the times that I am deleting the spacing in between the pics & videos and a video gets deleted. Now that is irritating and I usually just hit save & publish!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 25, 2010

Pig tails...

We went to play at Sunny's...

Playing outside Saturday w/ the neighbor girls....running through the sprinkler & sitting in the "hot tub".

Getting the "hot tub" ready...

This is a good picture of her poor little nose that scraped the concrete Friday. It looks much better now.

Carmen & the girls next door.

Carmen & her "purse" full of sunblock & chap

This water was straight from the hose...yikes.

Bath time before nap time...

Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10, 2010

Mother's Day - how great to relax w/ the kid & the cat on the couch! Carmen was a little "off" on Sunday - so after her near 4 hour nap, we laid around & watched Veggie Tales. Lilly decided to join in on the fun.

Yummmmm yogurt!

Finally - a good monthly photo w/ the bunny! Carmen's 20 month picture.

Just wish the lighting was better!

She got a "good job" sticker at daycare for being nice to her friends! We are working on sharing, soft touch (i.e. not hitting) & no spitting.

Playing with Lilly & Pepa. I was just a little late getting the camera out to get her pushing Lilly around in the box vs. trying to get her "out".

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4, 2010

Pics from when Mama & Papa Link visited (while I was in Branson!) She had so much fun with them & I hear - did not want them to leave!

What's up w/ this face?

Mommy & Carmen - something you don't see in a picture too often. :)

Sunday was such a great day. Great sermon at church, nice outside, lots of outside fun with Carmen, Life Group...all good! We went for a bike ride - she said she liked it. But you can't completely believe her right now...once she answered no to the following questions: Did Daddy feed you today? Did you read books? Play? Swing? Did you get a nap today? And it was all day with Daddy. :)
So here we are leaving for the bike ride. She did excellent with her helmet and on the ride. Although once we stopped - "out".

When we got back we played outside while Dad planted his flowers.

I'll give you one guess to what's on her mouth. Oreos!

Or is it..................

Saturday morning we made a smoothie. Carmen drinks really well out of cup these days. It's just hard to do the cup when the sippy is "safe".

Carmen got to watch a little Mickey Mouse on Saturday. She loves the "hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog" song. I thought for sure I'd catch her singing & dancing. Not so much but she does belt out a little word...

We can't forget our other furry kids. :o)