Saturday, March 21, 2009

March 21, 2009

Carmen went to play with her friend Sunny on Thursday! Rodney & Laura made us dinner too! It was cute to watch them look at each other - that was about as exciting as it got. :) Laura has a cute video that she caught of them. It's on her page ( if you want to see it. It's under "Little" Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. It was really the first time they paid attention to each other.

Oh yea - Laura's blog page has this header before the girl's photo "Oh look, Brian and Rodney playing together!" I laughed! :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 18, 2009

St. Patrick's Day...Carmen's first time to visit the zoo. It's spring break here, so kids are out of school. Carmen was Alisa's only kid at daycare, so she asked if they could take her on their family trip to the Zoo. Why not! Alisa said she had a ball. She really liked riding the train (adult sized that you take from point A to point B) & to no surprise, she especially liked the monkeys. Somehow I thought she might get a kick out of the monkeys, since she is one herself most days! :) Alisa has promised me she'll send pictures, so I'll post those when I get them!

I think her shirt won her a few extra kisses for the day. There were make up marks on her shirt to prove it, too! ALISA?!?!

Do you see attitude in this picture? I do! I think it's because of how her left arm looks - like she has it on her hip?

She discovered the stuff bunny sitting beside her (covering up the vent in case she lost her balance). She was concentrating so hard and really checking out the eye.

Yummmm, avacado! This is the messiest her little face has been. Isn't it cute? She does really well at keeping her hands down, it only took a few times of us gently pushing her hands down & saying "hands down please" for her to get it!

Tonight was her first time trying avacado. She liked it! She is now eating 2 cubes of vegetables at night (ice cube tray cube). She is diggin' the veggies! So far she's had green beans, sweet potatoes, & avacado. Not sure what will be next!
She started making this noise tonight while eating. We were humored.

That's Brian in the background, by the way (just in case you thought Carmen slipped home a monkey from the Zoo). ;)

Pictures from when Aunt Lori, Haley & Austin visited this past weekend! She has a lot of hair on top, but just not quite enough for the Missouri Tigers bow!

I don't know if you can see it or not. I tried to get video of her "sucker" lips. This is what she does when she's hungry! It's a nice que to have since she's going longer in between feedings. You can also see how well she's doing grabbing the bottle & getting it into her mouth. She is still working on tipping it up. ;)

Monday, March 16, 2009

March 16, 2009

GO MIZZOU!!!! Brian dressed her for church in support of Missouri's big win Saturday!

Ok - so HERE is the green beans video! I bet I had you confused. :) Somehow it didn't get downloaded from the camera.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 11, 2009

Her first day in SHOES!!! We've been blessed with receiving a bunch of clothes (and a TON of shoes!) from a girl from church. Here's a few pictures of Carmen on our way to daycare today. I was on vacation today, so I got to take her. It is always fun to do that - I get to see how she interacts with Alisa & the other kids. They all get excited when they see me at the door. I can hear them "Carmen's here!" (or "Marmen" are Jaren says! Jaren is Alisa's 2 year old son.)

Carmen is doing really good at sitting long as she's distracted!
Last night, Brian, Carmen, Lilly & I sat in the Great Room & played. Lilly does this a lot - the more Carmen rolls around & gets "sweet talked" the more Lilly rolls around hoping to get sweet talked! :) It's cute. Carmen is REALLY into the cats. She likes watching them and gets SUPER excited sometimes!

More green beans, please!!! On Sunday, the 6 month anniversary of a very happy day for Brian & I, we started Carmen on veggies! The green beans weren't too bad to make! And they even looked like baby food like you buy off the shelf! She liked them. I started sneaking cereal into them as she wasn't eating it as good.

90 - Carmen wanted to tell you this. I don't know what it means, but she typed it. ;)

The girl likes her sleep - just like Mommy!!! We put her to bed at 7:30 pm last night & she woke up at 7 am. She has adjusted well to the time change, thankfully. I'm sure the time change in the fall will be more painful for Brian & I!

Monday, March 9, 2009

March 9, 2009

HAPPY 6 MONTHS CARMEN!!! (yesterday)

Hard to believe that Carmen is 6 months! People weren't kidding when the said time flies!!! Here is her monthly photo with the stuffed bunny. I have a book that I'm putting the monthly photo in.

You never know what position you're going to find Carmen in her bed these days. Yesterday she napped horizontally.

Here she is with Cathy, our rep from Parents as Teachers. She really liked this toy and didn't want her to take it away.

Look at that belly!!! She was (trying) to wear a shirt for the first time. It said 6 months, but everything's made different!

Carmen's had a few experiences with the sippy cup, but for the most part she likes to chew on it.

She has more expression every day. She has this high pitch squeal - I caught a little on video. She gets camera shy. We did her 6 month pictures yesterday w/ some family pictures and we had to WORK for smiles! I am anxious to see how they turned out. I need to see if her friend Sunny could give her lessons in being a ham for the camera!

Friday, March 6, 2009

6 month check up

16 pounds 5.5 oz.

26 3/4" long

Carmen had an excellent check up yesterday! We will be starting vegetables this weekend!

Carmen is doing ba-bas and da-das. I try to catch her doing it on video - but she usually stops when the camera comes out. Somehow I have to figure out how to hide it. :) She is also starting to get her feet in her mouth although I have to help sometimes, the belly gets in the way I think. :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

March 3, 2009

Carmen loves bathtime!!!

Carmen & "Aunt" Leslie!

Look at her roll!! She's a pro at it now.

She also has started turning over during the night &/or at naptime. Here she is - her first nap sleeping on her tummy!