Saturday, August 28, 2010

August 29, 2010

Normally I try to put all the pictures in order....but seeing as I am pretty behind in blog updates and it's almost bedtime....I am going to leave them as is & try to narrate...letting you put the pieces together. :) Hope you don't mind! The slide & swing pics are from Caran McMahon's #3 birthday party. We had 2 parties yesterday...Miss Carmen was tired!

At Sunny's birthday party. Carmen looks like a brown bean in this picture that's for sure!
Fighting over Sunny's new vacuum. Who needs a toy one when you can use the Kirby Mom & Dad use (see video below).

Playing on Sunny's new swingset.

4 little monkeys.

Carmen's best friend, Sunny.

Carmen enjoyed her cake.

She won a "prize" - these glasses. She loves them! The funny thing now is one lens has fallen out. She still wears them. Maybe I can get a pic in them this week. She wasn't sure of the new goat puppet.

Sunny bug!

Alisa, Carmen & Ali

Carmen having fun cleaning w/ Dad. She is such a good helper.

23 month photos!!!!

She loves the birthday banner we got for her...they had them for a penny plus shipping. Years of fun for her!

She knows so many songs and sings a lot. Alisa says she hums just about all day over at her house. Love hearing her sing!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 8, 2010

The Johnson County Fair was this week - it's about 1/2 mile from us. We went to see the animals several times. Here is Carmen looking at the chickens.

There were some odd looking birds I tell you!

Baby goat happy to see us.

Stinky pigs - brought back memories!!!

Very cute rabbits - lots of them.

We went to the parade on Saturday - Carmen's first parade. She didn't have an opinion really. Although it was pretty hot.

Our church usually builds a pretty big (first place usually) float each year. This year was no exception. Our group was lead a team of bikers - first one being our pastor (below photo) then the float then 100+ walkers. It's pretty cool to see. And yes, that is a real tatoo on Pastor Rick's arm.

Hi Laura! One of the walkers.

Just a cool pic to share...

More barn animals.

Carmen & Sunny at the fair. Carmen is trying to steal her drink.

This picture makes me laugh.

We decided it was time for Carmen to earn her keep around here. Pretty hard on the walls but she did a good job. :)

Here are some videos from our time w/ the cows. She LOVES cows and talks about them several times a day. However, she loves them from a distance more than anything. Her expressions were comical...she would hardly look at the cow. Which is why she is telling me "no" in the video!